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Liquida Photofestival returns to Lugano with the winners of the 2024 grant group and solo show! The theme of the latest edition of the festival is ‘Rebirth’, an invitation to consider one's existence as a second chance, an attempt to investigate the infinite possible declinations that life can put before us beyond the expectations imposed by social canons. Redefining ourselves, re-inventing ourselves, relocating within the dynamics of society and our relationship with ourselves: from purification to the rediscovery of our own body and identity, ‘Rebirth’ delineates the space of possibilities that we can and must choose every day in order to be conscious entities on our journey. On display at focus will be the winning shots by Sebastian Bahr, Guglielmo Cherchi, Angela Crosti, Austin Cullen, Claudia Deganutti, Nanni Licitra, Lello Muzio, Ivana Noto, Chiara Paderi and Elisa Roman, and Peter Pflügler's project, Now is not the right time, winner of the Full Project Liquida Grant. Now is not the right time opens a reflection on the weight of secrets hidden behind apparently happy or even genuinely unhappy families. Pflügler, a visual storyteller and photographer, wants to stigmatise this dynamic by recounting a very painful moment from his own family's past.